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Research facilities available for academic use, industry and businesses

Research facilities are available for testing and analysing research, with expert support from university staff.


If you want to use one of these facilities, visit their dedicated web pages to get in touch with the right person.

Biotechnology Suite

Our Biotechnology Suite offers a multi-user facility providing protein expression and purification services to researchers across the University and beyond.

Building Research Park

Our Building Research Park is an open-to-the-elements facility offering a platform for researchers and construction professionals from across the world to develop and explore innovative building materials and constructive systems.

Institute for Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems (IAAPS)

Our Institute provides a range of test facilities for propulsion system research. They deliver precise experimentation and simulation in automotive powertrain engineering through test cells that bridge the gap between the laboratory and the real world.

Material and Chemical Characterisation Facility (MC虏)

Our material and chemical characterisation facility combines cutting-edge analytical equipment with extensive in-house expertise to provide a comprehensive chemical characterisation service for the commercial sector. Available techniques include mass spectrometry, bio-imaging, nuclear magnetic resonance, electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction.

Milner Genomics Centre

Our Milner Genomics Centre provides genome sequencing and analysis for evolution research. We offer rapid and competitively priced genome sequencing, assembly and databasing/analysis, both collaboratively and as a service.

Nanofabrication Facility

Our Nanofabrication Facility comprises a range of equipment for the fabrication of solid-state devices within a suite of cleanrooms of ISO Class 6. Photo- and nano-lithography is combined with etching and deposition to create devices such as Hall sensors or light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

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